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Why Noncompetition Agreements Strengthen Asset Purchases

Why Noncompetition Agreements Strengthen Asset Purchases

When you're buying or selling a business, there's a lot at stake. Asset purchase agreements help define the terms and avoid potential disputes or misunderstandings down the road. One crucial component of an asset purchase agreement is the noncompetition clause. At first glance, it may seem like a small detail, but it can have a significant impact on the future success of your venture.

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of noncompetition agreements in asset purchase agreements. We'll discuss what they are, why they're essential, and how they can benefit your business. Let's get started!


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Demystifying Noncompetition Agreements in Asset Purchase Agreements

A noncompetition agreement, also known as a non-compete agreement or non-compete clause, is an essential part of an asset purchase agreement. It's designed to protect the buyer's investment by ensuring that the seller doesn't engage in direct competition with the buyer after the sale.

In simpler terms, a noncompetition agreement prevents the seller from starting a new business that could negatively impact the business they just sold. If we're using the coffee chat analogy, think of a noncompetition agreement as a promise between friends: the seller swears not to interfere with the buyer's success, and the buyer feels more confident in purchasing the business.

Now that we understand the basics let's dive into why noncompetition agreements are so crucial in an asset purchase agreement.

The Importance of a Noncompetition Agreement in Asset Purchase Agreement

Protecting Against Unfair Competition

Imagine you're a buyer who's just invested a considerable amount of money into purchasing a business. You're excited about growing the company and making it even more successful. But then, after only a few months, the seller starts up a new business with a strikingly similar product or service that directly competes with yours—that's not only frustrating but also potentially harmful to your investment.

A noncompetition agreement protects you as the buyer from such scenarios, preventing the seller from establishing a competitive business that could steal away customers or market share and undermine the value of the business you just purchased. It's a valuable safeguard against unfair competition, ensuring that your business has room to grow and thrive.

Preserving Goodwill and Confidential Information

Goodwill is the intangible asset that represents a business's reputation, customer relationships, and overall perception in the market. When you buy a business, you're not just purchasing its tangible assets (like equipment, inventory, or even cash)—you're also investing in its goodwill.

A noncompetition agreement helps preserve the goodwill of the business by preventing the seller from exploiting their knowledge about the company and customers to their advantage or the detriment of the new owner. Furthermore, it also safeguards confidential information, trade secrets, or other intellectual property that the seller should no longer have access to after the sale.

How to Include a Noncompetition Agreement in an Asset Purchase Agreement

Now that we understand why a noncompetition agreement is so crucial, let's discuss how to include one in your asset purchase agreement. Here are some practical steps to follow:

1. Understanding the Role of the Noncompetition Agreement

Begin by understanding what the noncompetition agreement seeks to do. Consider it as a protective layer for your business once the agreement gets in place. The agreement sets barriers for the seller, diminishing the possibility of them competing against the purchased business in the future. Start by introducing this into the agreement via a clause, often titled "Noncompetition."

For example, the clause might state: "Seller agrees that he/she will not compete against Buyer in any way, shape or form for a period of 5 years after the closing date."


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2. Define the Scope of the Noncompetition Agreement

This entails specifying the industries, locations, or types of jobs where the noncompete clause applies. Make it as specific as possible and utilize geographic and industrial terminology that is easily understandable. Typically, you have to include:

  • Geographical Scope: This defines the locations where the seller cannot conduct competitive business. Let your geographic scope be reasonable.

  • Activity Limitations: Specify the exact products, services, or industries the seller can't participate in. If your business is about producing organic honey,
    the restriction can be something like "The Seller can't engage in the production, marketing, or distribution of any form of honey."

Be as clear and specific as possible about the prohibited activities and the scope of the agreement. An overly broad or vague noncompetition clause could make it difficult to enforce or even render it unenforceable in the eyes of the law.

This is important because if you can't enforce your noncompete, then the seller could simply walk away from their obligations at any time. This is why it's so important to be specific about what activities the seller can't take part in and how far he or she must stay away from them.

3. Set the Duration for the Noncompetition Agreement

Next, determine how long the clause should last. Ensure to choose a "reasonable" period. Reasonableness here signifies that the duration shouldn't be so long as to prevent the seller from earning a living. Insert this in a line like, "The Seller agrees not to participate in the above-stated activities for a period of 'x' years post-close of the agreement."

4. Get the Seller’s Affirmation

Don't forget this part! Have a line where the seller confirms their decision to accept the noncompetition agreement. Make it assertive but respectful. Example: "The Seller hereby acknowledges that the restrictions set forth above are fair and reasonable."

5. Non-Compete Breach Consequences

Include a clause stating the course of action should the seller violate the noncompetition agreement. For instance, "In case of breach of this Clause by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to any relief deemed necessary, including injunction and the right to claim damages."

6. Non-Compete Breach Enforcement

Include a clause stating the actions taken by the buyer if the seller violates the noncompetition agreement. For instance, "In case of breach of this Clause by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to any relief deemed necessary including injunction and claim for damages."

7. Assignment

Include a clause stating whether or not the seller can assign their rights to the buyer without permission. For instance, "This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and representatives." 8. Governing Law Include a clause stating which state’s law will govern this contract in case of legal issues.


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Benefits of a Noncompetition Agreement in an Asset Purchase Agreement

Now that we know how to include a noncompetiton agreement in the asset purchase agreement, let's explore some specific benefits that your business could enjoy.

Peace of Mind for the Buyer

A noncompetition agreement provides the buyer with added security that they're not walking into a potential competitive nightmare. By ensuring that the seller won't interfere with the business's success, the buyer can focus on achieving their goals and growing the company.

Ensuring the Right Fit for Your Business

As a buyer, it's important to understand that there are different types of noncompetition agreements. You may want to consider the following options:

Non-Solicitation Agreement: This type of agreement prevents the seller from soliciting or enticing employees, customers, and suppliers away from your business.

Nonsolicitation Restriction: A nonsolicitation restriction goes further than a non-solicitation agreement by preventing the seller from interfering with your company's relationships with clients and vendors after they leave your business.

Preserves the Value of the Purchased Business

When a seller agrees to a noncompetition clause, the buyer has a better chance of preserving and even enhancing the value of the business they just purchased. Protecting against unfair competition and maintaining customer relationships can make a significant difference in the overall worth of the business.

Encourages Fair Competition

Noncompetition agreements encourage fair business practices and promote healthy competition in the marketplace. By lessening the potential for deceitful tactics or the exploitation of confidential information, noncompetition agreements level the playing field and foster a better business environment for all.

Maintains Customer Relationships

Noncompetition agreements can be a powerful tool for business owners who want to retain their customer base. In addition to protecting against unfair competition, noncompetition agreements help keep customers happy by ensuring that their favorite businesses will continue operating in their area.


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Possible Consequences of not Having a Noncompetition Agreement in Asset Purchase Agreement

Failing to include a noncompetition agreement in your asset purchase agreement can leave you exposed to several risks, such as:

  • Losing customers or market share to the seller's new competing business

  • Witnessing the erosion of the purchased business's goodwill or value

  • Struggling to retain key employees who might be lured away by the seller

  • Having to spend more money on advertising and promotion in order to attract new customers and keep existing ones from going elsewhere.

  • You may also be required to pay more money than you were expecting if the seller's business is suffering from a competitive disadvantage that could be remedied by implementing a noncompetition agreement.

A well-crafted noncompetition agreement is a valuable ally in an asset purchase agreement. It provides essential protection against unfair competition and helps preserve the value of the business you've invested in. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your noncompetition agreement is fair, enforceable, and effective at safeguarding your business and promoting responsible industry practices.

Is it time to draft your asset purchase agreement, including a solid noncompetition clause? Check out our ready-to-use contract templates designed to simplify the process and give you peace of mind. With our expertly crafted templates, you'll be well on your way to securing your business's future and enjoying the benefits of a well-executed noncompetition agreement.


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