Embed our IP modules and supporting materials into your courses.
Free plug & play legal curriculum to use in your business and entrepreneurship classes, programs, and workshops.
Legal GPS helps for schools was made with educators, accelerators, incubators, ESOs and Legal Professionals in mind.
Embed our IP modules and supporting materials into your courses.
Help your startups better understand how to capitalize on their innovations
Use our materials in your legal clinics and presentations.
I can't begin to tell you how my students enjoy using the curriculum and how it's really helping them to understand and address some of the complex issues that early stage entrepreneurs face. ..... if you're looking to deliver a robust, informative, and fun legal education to your students, I'd highly recommend using Legal GPS.
Legal GPS is changing how entrepreneurs learn legal for their business.
Our turnkey instructor manual gives you complete confidence teaching Think Legal--even with zero legal knowledge.
Our funny, experiential “Netflix-style” videos in our modules truly “make legal fun.”
Instructors: complete the registration form and our team will approve you within 48 hours!